The family grows and moves to Franklin, MI

1950 June - 1970 June

Created by Marshall 13 years ago
Roger is born in 1949 followed by Deborah in 1954. In about 1950 mom and dad find a nice two-acre building site in Franklin, Michigan. Franklin is know as "The Town That Iime Forgot." A quaint little suburb northwest of Detroit where people had horses and communited into the city. They build a pretty ranch-style home on the side of hill and overlooking a large valley. The three children attend Franklin elementary school and by the mid-1950's we added two horses and a stable. Still photo's of that time period are very hard to find as 8mm movies became the rage and we have a box full of reels of film. In about 1964 mom and dad acquired a beautiful log cabin located on Clear Lake, near Gaylord, Michigan. Summers and vacations were spent at the cabin. Mom, Roger, and Debbie spent many summers at the cabin; dad would commute on his long weekends. Dab built a barn so Debbie could keep her horse at the lake. Life was good!
